Thursday, June 15, 2017

Cheap Vidoran Milk 1+

I just bought 750gr of cheap Vidoran Milk 1+ with Honey flavor at Alfamart near my house. I just spent 44.000 rupiahs to buy it because it came with discount.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Cheap Goon Smile Baby Pants

I bought cheap Goon Smile Baby pants at Bogor Junction yesterday. The 20 pieces of Goon Smile baby pants came with 15% discount. So, I juat spent 42.000 rupiahs to buy it.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My son can tell his name now

My son can tell his name now. He is now two years old. But, he can't speak fluently. He only can say two words maximum. But, I still proud of him. I'm always happy to see his progress. He likes to help people. When I go to the Supermarket, he wanted to bring the goods I bought. Even it was so heavy, but he still wanted to bring it.